PLB are proud to continue our long-standing relationship with the Museums Association and continue our support of initiatives like ‘Museums Change Lives’ within the heritage sector.
The new ‘Museums Change Lives’ awards, launched in 2018, are recognised as leading in celebrating museums that are setting standards for social engagement and impact.
William Adams, deputy director of the Museum Association said “The MA value our partnership with PLB for the extremely important ‘Museums Change Lives’ awards. It is paramount for us to have leading sector practitioners associated with the event, including the judging panel, the participants and the key sponsor.”
PLB has a real commitment to social impact that aligns with the broader museum and heritage sector’s commitment to creating positive social change. We understand the importance of museums playing a crucial role in addressing contemporary issues. We act as facilitators, who can assist museums to strive for greater impact in their own communities. At PLB, we are also advocates for showcasing innovation and excellence within the sector.

This year’s “Museums Change Lives” shortlist:
Best Museums Change Lives Project
Mansfield Museum – ‘Art Power’
Heritage Doncaster – ‘Creative Recovery: Body image through time’
Glasgow Museums Bangladesh Association Glasgow, and Our Shared Cultural Heritage – ‘Scotland’s Lascar Heritage’
Best Small Museum Project
The Whithorn Trust – ‘Whithorn ReBuild Schools Engagement Project’
Dylan Thomas Centre and Your Voice Advocacy – ‘Our Museum, Our Voice’
Turner’s House Trust – Art & Heritage: ‘Wellbeing at Turner’s House’
Decolonising Museums Award
Judges’ Lodgings Museum – ‘Facing the Past: Black Lancastrians at Judges’ Lodgings Museum’
Wilberforce House Museum – ‘Changing Perspectives in Hull’
National Museums NI – ‘Global Voices Local Choices’
Radical Changemaker Award
Jill Iredale – ‘Bradford District Museums and Galleries’
Katherine McAlpine – ‘Brunel Museum’
Zeynep Kuşsan – ‘London Transport Museum (previously Museum of London)’
PLB’s believe we should give back to the sector that supports us, along with delivering positive change within the heritage sector.
The awards are presented on Tuesday 07 November.
Find out more here
Good luck to everyone! But in our eyes, you’re all winners no matter who’s given top billing.
The whole team at PLB are really proud to be associated with these awards and I am really looking forward to representing them and presenting the award for ‘Best Museums Change Lives Project’ at this year’s ceremony.
Jamie McCall, PLB Dreative Director